I think Ive been up and about quite a lot for the past two weeks. To prepare breakfast and do all the wifey thingy haha.
Tapi this morning, I woke up and was limping to the kitchen. Nasib baik kitchen tak jauh! Sakit je tulang punggung belah kanan ni. Haih. I think salah tido kot? Entah laa. But imagine lah, sapu rumah pun terkontang-kanting. Macam mana nak buat ye?
Ohhh I made nasi lemak last week. And I smsed Aisyah (bkn nk bgtau buat nasi lemak ye, sbb lain) around 8-9am kot, and she replied hours after that, commenting, "awal bangun long?" Hehehe perli betul. And I replied "Saya kan dah dewasa! Siap buat nasi lemak lagi tau pagi tadi. Sila bangga."
Yes, i said, Sila bangga. Twice! After the second "Sila bangga", I realized Im that stupid. Helloooooo??? SILA KAGUM LAH!
I smsed Aisyah again, to tell her my kebengongan, and that I meant Sila Kagum instead of Sila Bangga. She laughed, and saya kena panggil bengong. Terima kasih daun keladi!
Oh ye, I have some news to tell you guys!
Ladies and gentleman, I am pleased to introduce my new babies!!!
Arent they adorable??? Kembar 4 lagi ;p
Sarah, what plant are they, you might ask.
Mereka adalah...
Ehehehehe... Cool kan tanam pokok cili? :p Siap yg quick grow lagi haha
I thought of buying some cute flower pots, the colorful ones, but then said to myself, Im no good in gardening. So merangkak lah dulu...
Semalam adalah hari menggosok baju kerja Encik Suami.
Maka, I gosok the wholeeeee collection of his baju kerja, which is a lot! Along with 3 more shirts he bought last week. Tak masuk yang mmg dah tersedia gosok. Fuh. But I was happy to do it. Sebab.... finally dah ada ironing board! Yeayyy! You guys imagine, me having to iron his shirts bersila, on the floor beralaskan sejadah. For the whole 2 months! And I dont like to iron banyak-banyak kali, everyday. So everytime I do the ironing, its always at least 2 or 3 shirts at a time. Agak sakit belakang lah kan. Bukan nak complaint... tapi sort of complaint laa jugak hihi lagi-lagi time tgh iron tu. Encik Suami dengar jelaa bebelan mintak die beli ironing board ASAP. And everytime, he would reply, "sabar laa. bila ada time kita pegi beli ok?" dengan nada selembut-lembut yang mungkin, sambil mengurut belakang saya. Yes! Haha!
Hari ni hari apa ya?
Sudah menyapu, membuat laundry, memberi babies-babies yang comel sedang membesar minum, and kemas rumah.
The rest of the day?
Kita tunggu dan lihat...
Have a nice day!
tekejut ms bace part babies 2!! ingtkn dh preggy! ngeh2.solehah nye isteri Encik Suami ni. jeles2~~ ado ore urut2 nihs! hahaha! happyy 4 u dear ;)
ahahaha i tot so. sure ade org panic :p anyway, terima kasihhhh. it will be ur turn soon. dont worry ;)
hehehehehe bengong. ada ke kembar -______________-'
sarah u nak buat propa i wont fall for it!
i pernah iron atas sejadah sambil bersila sekali iron panas terkene lutut i. (imagine pkai boxer je) now my house dah ada laundry rooooom and i'm sooooo a happy kid!
aisyah: ahahahaha!!!
chinn: haha i pon ada mark jugak kena kat peha damn. enjoy your laundry room! :)
#1: saya memang kagum! from xtau langsung tanak nasi to making nasi lemak....HUGE improvement! haha
#2: i didn't know u have a green thumb. leh join dgn mum la. she LOVES gardening...mangsanya, kitorg lah sbb kena angkat2 and alih2 pasu every now n then. hahaha. (shuhhh, dont tell her i said that. mampuih kna bunuh! lol)
Ye din. Ye. I take that as a compliment ;)
Haha ye ke? Auntieeeee!!!! Eh silap. Cikguuuu!!! hehe No i dont have any green thumb :p Ni baru2 belajar, mengisi masa lapang saje. Mane laa tau later rent rumah yg ada kawasan, bleh bercucuk tanam heheee
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